
The Primer is a collaborative, public-service journalism project that aims to make analytical reporting on core issues accessible to everyone.

The Primer is a new kind of a digital journalism project that puts readers at the centre, and is focussed on forging partnerships to expand the reach and elevate the rigor of journalism around issues core to our democracy. Diverse subjects, perspectives, languages, and partners.

The Manifesto

The Primer's Manifesto is an evolving vision that states our promise to our readers, outlining our editorial philosophy.

Steadfast Commitment to Public Service Journalism

Our singular focus as a newsroom will be on serving you, and advancing journalism aimed at creating social impact. We will build for the long term, and measure our success in terms of the impact we help create.

Facts & Analysis, not Opinion

We will focus on producing reporting of the highest standards. We will give you the context, and inform you about the consequences of consequences. We will sometimes persuade you, making compelling cases with evidence, rigorous research and analysis, and a moral compass.

Collaborate, not Compete

We will seek to actively partner with other newsrooms and organisations, with a clear mandate on expanding our impact.

Business, not Philanthropy

We will build The Primer as a for-profit social enterprise, proving that responsible, impact-oriented journalism can not just be sustainable, but be a thriving business. And we will build it with you, with readers at the centre of what we do.

Accessible, not a Privilege

We will provide free access to a majority of, if not all of our content. We believe good journalism shouldn't be a privilege. We will talk you in formats you like, on platforms you live, and in a language you will understand and love.